
Whistleblowers vs Secrecy

In order to best understand the story of Julian Assange's legal battle  we should look into the term that defines him, a whistleblower. The definition of a whistleblower is a person who exposes secretive information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within a private or public organization. Julian Assange is a perfect example of what a whistleblower is because of what he did back in 2010. He founded a site called WikiLeaks  and in 2006 and he used his new site to release private information about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. They make a point in the article of is he a hero or criminal it just depends on who you ask. Julian Assange Personally, we the people should have access to anything we want to know about however, I do believe that there should be some safeguards in place to keep that information out of the wrong hands. I believe that Julian Assange didn’t do anything wrong releasing the information to the public, what he did was noble

Ted Talk Part Two: My Thoughts

The Ted Talk by Juan Enriquez titled Your Online Life, Permit as a Tattoo I actually really enjoyed. I found it fascinating how he compares our online presence as that of a tattoo. I personally don't have one but, I know of those who do and they all say the same thing, usually. A majority say their's a message behind it and can't wait to share the significance, just like Juan believes in. It feels almost repetitive that we keep mentioning our online presence however, I digress. I have an online presence if someone wants to look for it but, it's rarely about anything that I post. My online presence consist of my LinkedIn profile(that needs to be updated), old blogs from other classes, and/or when I'm tagged in a post. Juan Enriquez mentioned the Greek Gods and made analogies for them in modern day. I'm happy to say that I haven’t really fallen into the traps that they did yet, but anything can happen at any moment. I'd like to say that I don't fall int

Ted Talk Part One: The Video

The Ted Talk I chose to watch was the first one by Juan Enriquez. In his Ted Talk he talks about tattoos and the messages behind them. He starts off, by saying to us that there are some tattoos that are beautiful and some that aren’t and shows us picture of people with these tattoos. Juan then goes on to ask whether or not anyone in the audience has a tattoo, a few say they do, where as a majority say they don’t. Juan Enriquez makes it clear that we all have tattoos because, of social media. The tattoo he's referring to, is not one of ink but, an electronic tattoo. His point is that a tattoo tells a story of who we are as a person so, if our online presence tells a story it is thereby making it an electronic tattoo. Juan makes it a point to say that our tattoos are out there because we don't have any privacy do to things like GPS, Security cams, Apps purchased, Followers, etc making it impossible not to be noticed. He then goes on to talk about facial recognition and how it ha

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Something I learned in class was about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890. I know that it was in my own group's presentation, but it was a policy that I've heard about but never actually knew what it was. The Anti-Trust act had two major provisions, it restricts and outlaws all combinations that restrain trade between states or foreign nations and to attempt to monopolize any part of trade or commerce. I wasn't aware that violations are punished by fines and imprisonment also, monopolies could work around getting hit by the act due to what qualifies as trade between states. The Act was dissolved in 1895 in the case United States v. E. C. Knight Company and in 1920, it was clarified that “only unreasonable restraints on trade” could be considered a violation of the Act which was enacted against the Northern Securities Company in 1904. Political Cartoon Some of the results from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was in 1999 the Act was brought up in a case against Microsoft

Net Neutrality

For our presentation we had the policy section. My part of the presentation was on Net Neutrality. This is the principle that individuals should be free to access all content and applications equally, regardless of the source, without Internet Service Providers discriminating against specific online services or websites. This is a very helpful to anyone that has an opinion on literally anything and wants to post about it online because, it blocks favoritism creating an equal playing field for all. It's a policy I believe should be in place because protects innovation and freedom of expression. The term "Net Neutrality" was coined by Tim Wu back in 2002 however, it wasn’t put into effect until February 26, 2015 only to be repealed on June 11, 2018. Tim Wu Net Neutrality was repealed because of three things: blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization. The reason for blocking was because, internet service providers could not discriminate against any lawful content by


When searching for my online presence I didn't find a lot about me. I have social media accounts but, I don't post on them, I really only use them to see whats going on in the world and with my friends. My father and I have the same first and last name so when searching for me I found a lot about him, his LinkedIn profile, old job email, his facebook which actually leads me to find more about my family and their accounts. As I said I don't really use social media, but I did however find my personal  LinkedIn profile along with my Instagram and Facebook profiles When I found my LinkedIn, I realize that I need to update my profile. It's not a terrible gap in time however, it tells people who are viewing my profile stuff about me from last semester. I noticed my Facebook has more of a presence than my other social media. This is because my sister likes to tag me in posts that has something to do with me in them. I was even able to find my blogger from a class last semes


It's amazing to me that only twenty two years ago the company Google was discovered. The company was founded on September 4th, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and has now become one of the most popular search browsers in history. As of this year google has over 1.5 billion active Gmail accounts across the world. Sundar Pichai is the current CEO of Google inc and has been since October 2nd, 2015. He became active CEO when Larry and Sergey announced the creation of Alphabet Inc, one of Google's subsidiary companies. Google has a lot of other subsidiary companies due to their successes(YouTube, Dropcam, Jigsaw, Android inc, etc). Again, it's amazing to see how far they have come over the years. What started out as an idea for a search engine to what it has become now. In 2005 google announced Google maps which was a GPS service helping people get to their desired locations before products like Waze for example.  In conclusion Google has grown a lot over the yea