Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Something I learned in class was about the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890. I know that it was in my own group's presentation, but it was a policy that I've heard about but never actually knew what it was. The Anti-Trust act had two major provisions, it restricts and outlaws all combinations that restrain trade between states or foreign nations and to attempt to monopolize any part of trade or commerce. I wasn't aware that violations are punished by fines and imprisonment also, monopolies could work around getting hit by the act due to what qualifies as trade between states.
The Act was dissolved in 1895 in the case United States v. E. C. Knight Company and in 1920, it was clarified that “only unreasonable restraints on trade” could be considered a violation of the Act which was enacted against the Northern Securities Company in 1904.

Image result for Sherman Antitrust Act
Political Cartoon

Some of the results from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was in 1999 the Act was brought up in a case against Microsoft in the alleged monopoly of internet browsing software. I learned that this year the Supreme Court has allowed investigation into the alleged violations of the antitrust law against Apple, Google, and Facebook. Another thing, this act can potentially hinder trade and progression of large companies that own most of the market they are part of. Trade with other countries must also take place inside the constraints of this act, making international trade much more difficult however, the act also keeps a free market and a consumer-protected economy


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