Whistleblowers vs Secrecy

In order to best understand the story of Julian Assange's legal battle we should look into the term that defines him, a whistleblower. The definition of a whistleblower is a person who exposes secretive information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within a private or public organization. Julian Assange is a perfect example of what a whistleblower is because of what he did back in 2010. He founded a site called WikiLeaks and in 2006 and he used his new site to release private information about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. They make a point in the article of is he a hero or criminal it just depends on who you ask.

Image result for julian assange wikileaks
Julian Assange

Personally, we the people should have access to anything we want to know about however, I do believe that there should be some safeguards in place to keep that information out of the wrong hands. I believe that Julian Assange didn’t do anything wrong releasing the information to the public, what he did was noble and came with great sacrifice. I can also see the government’s side of why they want him extradited for releasing information that wasn’t his to release. It does beg the question though of what else the government is hiding and what measures are they willing to go to protect those secrets.


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