Ted Talk Part Two: My Thoughts

The Ted Talk by Juan Enriquez titled Your Online Life, Permit as a Tattoo I actually really enjoyed. I found it fascinating how he compares our online presence as that of a tattoo. I personally don't have one but, I know of those who do and they all say the same thing, usually. A majority say their's a message behind it and can't wait to share the significance, just like Juan believes in. It feels almost repetitive that we keep mentioning our online presence however, I digress. I have an online presence if someone wants to look for it but, it's rarely about anything that I post.

My online presence consist of my LinkedIn profile(that needs to be updated), old blogs from other classes, and/or when I'm tagged in a post. Juan Enriquez mentioned the Greek Gods and made analogies for them in modern day. I'm happy to say that I haven’t really fallen into the traps that they did yet, but anything can happen at any moment. I'd like to say that I don't fall into the traps like Juan mentioned in his Ted Talk but, we’re all guilty of doing it, the important thing is that you learn and come back from your experience stronger because of it. The key takeaway from the Ted Talk I would say is to be careful and aware of what you post because you never know who will see it and when.

We shouldn't be afraid of social media even-though the thoughts about us having an electronic tattoo is pretty intimidating. I believe that the purpose of this talk is to keep us on our toes about what is really going on in the world within social media and how what we share, posts, and like we can't always escape from just be smart about your posts before you post it.


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