Ted Talk Part One: The Video

The Ted Talk I chose to watch was the first one by Juan Enriquez. In his Ted Talk he talks about tattoos and the messages behind them. He starts off, by saying to us that there are some tattoos that are beautiful and some that aren’t and shows us picture of people with these tattoos. Juan then goes on to ask whether or not anyone in the audience has a tattoo, a few say they do, where as a majority say they don’t. Juan Enriquez makes it clear that we all have tattoos because, of social media. The tattoo he's referring to, is not one of ink but, an electronic tattoo. His point is that a tattoo tells a story of who we are as a person so, if our online presence tells a story it is thereby making it an electronic tattoo. Juan makes it a point to say that our tattoos are out there because we don't have any privacy do to things like GPS, Security cams, Apps purchased, Followers, etc making it impossible not to be noticed. He then goes on to talk about facial recognition and how it has advanced and how it's still advancing. He brings up how store cameras can recognize one's face and figure out their interests before the first couple of steps into a store.

Juan believes that our electronic tattoos will be around long after we're gone, which holds true if the internet is forever thus making us immortal. He finishes his Ted Talk with a lesson from the Greeks because they have had theories of what might happen if gifts of god were given to mortal people and a Latin American lesson. The first Greek God he mentions is Sisyphus, Sisyphus did something wrong and was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill only to have it fall. The analogy is that social media for us is a constant up and down game and we have to be careful if we don't want to fall. The next God he mentions is Orpheus, who looses everything because he couldn’t resist looking at the one he loves. The point Juan makes is it's probably for the best not to look too far into those you love online anyway because, you may loose them forever. The third God he mentions is Atlanta and Hippomenes. The lesson taught here is that distractions occur a lot while in the online community and we fall for it over and over again. The final God he mentions is Narcissus, who is guilty of falling in love with his own reflection, stating that we focus too much on how we look to get likes. The last lesson Juan teaches is by Jorge Luis Borges, a short-story writer, essayist, poet and translator, and a key figure in Spanish-language and universal literature. "How else can one threaten other than with death?" Juan Enriquez point, the answer is with immortality, which is exactly what an electronic tattoo is, immortality.


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