When searching for my online presence I didn't find a lot about me. I have social media accounts but, I don't post on them, I really only use them to see whats going on in the world and with my friends. My father and I have the same first and last name so when searching for me I found a lot about him, his LinkedIn profile, old job email, his facebook which actually leads me to find more about my family and their accounts.
As I said I don't really use social media, but I did however find my personal LinkedIn profile along with my Instagram and Facebook profiles When I found my LinkedIn, I realize that I need to update my profile. It's not a terrible gap in time however, it tells people who are viewing my profile stuff about me from last semester. I noticed my Facebook has more of a presence than my other social media. This is because my sister likes to tag me in posts that has something to do with me in them. I was even able to find my blogger from a class last semester.

I am surprised, I didn't think that I had a big foot print when it came to my online presence. I wasn’t able to find probably as much as other people could, they probably found posts and comments they made on others social media but, I don't post anything on my own accord anyway. I recently watched a series on Netflix called YOU, the basic concept is that there is a stalker that finds out all this information about the girl he is stalking by social media. This exercise has helped me realize that we should be more aware of what we post, whether it's to keep your profiles up to date or to keep us safe and protected.


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