Throughout Trump's presidency he has used different media techniques to communicate to the public more so than any other president in recent history. For example, he tweets out messages almost daily.  In this article he now uses a new technique of using memes to depict his dislike of media and people that don't support him. In in the article there is a meme in the form of a video that he played in one of his recent pro -Trump group conference at his Miami resort last week.

The article shows a video from a scene in the 2014 movie The Kingsman, the movie clip is of Harry Hart who is one of the Kingsman agents as he goes into a church and is inflicted with rage by the villain in the movie Valentine, and kills everyone in the church. In this depiction for the meme's purpose, Agent Galahad (Harry Hart) has President Trump's head pasted on him and the people Galahad kills by shooting, assaulting, and stabbing the faces and logos pasted on them of people and corporations that Trump despises.

While I did enjoy the movie version of the Kingsman I have to  agree with the author of the article that this was far too violent a depiction to show anywhere because it is about our president acting this way not a fictional character in a movie. I would be concerned that in the next few days this video is acquired by national news and if they played it I could foresee that this could incite even more violence The president has been warned about his behavior and displays, remember his pre-election battle cry " lock him up!" 


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