Filter Bubble

A filter bubble what is it, A filter bubble is a term for the internet's search algorithm to cause bias in our search results. I heard about this through a Ted Talk a couple of years ago and I found this very interesting. Basically, a filter bubble takes information about you based on your search history and what articles you have read and/or looked at so, when you search for something you see articles relating to things you believe in.

This video is about Eli Pariser as he describes what a filter bubble is and how it can lead to problems now and in the future. It's a problem for all of us, especially when it comes to communication. How can someone have a discussion or debate about anything that they looked up when they are getting different information based on past (probably also skewed) researched topics that best supports their own biases.

A filter bubble in some people’s eyes can be a good thing because it helps us find the information that we want to see that helps us prove our point however, I believe, and Eli believes that we need and should see all types of information about what we read or look-up to better our own knowledge and understandings on issues at hand.

Ted Talk Article:


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