
Showing posts from October, 2019


It's amazing to me that only twenty two years ago the company Google was discovered. The company was founded on September 4th, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and has now become one of the most popular search browsers in history. As of this year google has over 1.5 billion active Gmail accounts across the world. Sundar Pichai is the current CEO of Google inc and has been since October 2nd, 2015. He became active CEO when Larry and Sergey announced the creation of Alphabet Inc, one of Google's subsidiary companies. Google has a lot of other subsidiary companies due to their successes(YouTube, Dropcam, Jigsaw, Android inc, etc). Again, it's amazing to see how far they have come over the years. What started out as an idea for a search engine to what it has become now. In 2005 google announced Google maps which was a GPS service helping people get to their desired locations before products like Waze for example.  In conclusion Google has grown a lot over the yea


For my blog post today, I will be talking about the video: Mad World Remix . In the video there was a very clear message that "we" as a society are addicted to our phones. The video depicts a small boy with wide eyes that is lost and looking for attention but everywhere he goes people are preoccupied by being on their cell phones. The background music played was called Mad World which again sets the sad tone of the world we live in where phones are overtaking us.  Also, the video coloring was in black and white to portray dark times and sadness.  There were some very powerful scenes one was with a girl who was up on the side of a large building getting ready to commit suicide by jumping and everyone below her was on their cell phones, as the girl jumped, no one tried to save her instead, they filmed her dropping to the ground and then went right back to being on their cell phone. In another scene the small boy was in a subway car and there was a larger man messing with a girl


Throughout Trump's presidency he has used different media techniques to communicate to the public more so than any other president in recent history. For example, he tweets out messages almost daily.  In this article he now uses a new technique of using memes to depict his dislike of media and people that don't support him. In in the article there is a meme in the form of a video that he played in one of his recent pro -Trump group conference at his Miami resort last week. The article shows a  video  from a scene in the 2014 movie The Kingsman, the movie clip is of Harry Hart who is one of the Kingsman agents as he goes into a church and is inflicted with rage by the villain in the movie Valentine, and kills everyone in the church. In this depiction for the meme's purpose, Agent Galahad (Harry Hart) has President Trump's head pasted on him and the people Galahad kills by shooting, assaulting, and stabbing the faces and logos pasted on them of people and corporations